Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Soft collar 軟頭罩

We used to have hard plastic collar when it is necessary to prevent us from stretching our wounds. It is very uncomfortable and hard to have food and water. But now…we have new soft one. It looks very nice and comfortable…at least no burden on us. I am loving it 我們曾經只有硬塑料領頭罩,是在必要防止我們抓癢我們的傷口,令它再次流血。 但帶在頸部非常不舒服,飲食都很困難。 但現在...我們有新的軟頭罩。 它非常好看和舒適...至少對我們的沒有負擔感覺。 我很喜歡它

Friday, September 09, 2016

Poor Tortoise可憐的烏龜

Mama Slave buy mooncake from SPCA every year and she collected it as usual last week. A lot of poor tortoise there waiting to be adopted. They are thrown into the sea by naive people who think they are saving them. But how can fresh water creatures survive in sea water !!! Luckily they are saved by SPCA and teams. I sincerely hope those tortoise will be adopted and no more killing by naive and selfish. 媽媽奴隸每年都會從愛護動物協會買月餅,她上週如常到香港中心自取。很多可憐的烏龜窮人那裡等待被領養。他們是被幼稚自私的人扔進大海放生。但是,淡水生物如何能夠生存在海水!幸運的是,他們是由愛護動物協會和善心團隊救了。我衷心希望這些烏龜將被領養和幼稚自私的殺戮不會再發生。

Friday, August 12, 2016

New litter tray again又一個新貓砂盤

Opps…why I have a new litter tray again. The blue one only used for around three months and its quality is quite okay. But…a fatal egg-based design making it very difficult to pick up the cat sand in a clump. The spliting sand making everything a mess…never buy anything by appearance. Mama Slave bought us a new branded one. I am now knowing that why so many people mad with brand...it really worth. 哎呀......為什麼我再有一個新的貓砂盤。藍色那個只用於了三個月左右,其質量也相當不錯。但是...基於致命的蛋型底盤設計使得它非常困難凝聚起貓砂。碎碎的貓砂使一切都亂七八糟......千萬別再因平靚買任何東西。媽媽現在買了一個新的品牌貨。我現在知道為什麼這麼多人近乎瘋狂於品牌......它真的值得。

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Travel 旅行

So poor us…Papa and Mama will travel soon for 5 days. We have to stay at home without air-conditioning. We know they have already sacrificed many travels and Godmother will take care of us at the meantime. But we still miss them so much…feeding , playing , cleaning and caring etc. Therefore, Angel and I decided to take action to show our sadness by siting on the suitcase staring at them. Only Silly brother don't care. 可憐的我們呀... ...爸爸媽媽很快就會外遊5天。我們必須留在沒有空調的家裡。我們知道他們已經因為我們犧牲了許多的旅行和乾媽會在其間照顧我們。但是,我們仍然這麼多想念他們...餵食,玩耍,清潔和關懷等等。因此,妹妹和我決定採取行動,坐實行李箱盯著他們展示我們的不捨。只有傻細佬不在乎。

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Cat Slave 貓奴

There is a common description of Cat owner in Hong Kong as Cat Slave. We have already treat our Mama Slave as Slave and now we successfully turn Papa into Slave also. I will sit on the teapoy to charm Papa every morning for delicious treats. He will usually set aside everything and feed me happily. I can even have many times in a morning if I still asking for. He totally melt with me...haha 香港有很多貓的主人被形容是貓奴。我們一早已經把我們的媽媽變為貓奴,現在我們成功地把爸爸都變了。我會每天早晨坐在茶几電爸爸要求美味小食。他通常會拋開一切愉快先餵我。我甚至在一個早可以得到多次小食,只要我賴皮要求。他完全被我融化...哈哈。

Monday, May 09, 2016

New Toilet - nightmare 新廁所的惡夢

It is all my fault. I think I will have a private toilet…but it is only last for two days. They both rush into my new toilet but it is much smaller. It is really awful for three cats. Mama Slave has no choice but to exchange the two toilet position so as to improve the environment. The small one now in sitting room while the large one in toilet. It seems to be a good solution but the toilet door closed while air-conditioning on during Summer. All three cats with small toilet again. Oh My God... 這是我的錯。我想擁有一個私人廁所......但它僅持續兩天。他們兩個都擁入我的新的廁所試新嘢,但它比本來那個小得多。三隻貓一齊用實在太可惜怕。媽媽從別無選擇,只能交換兩個廁所位置,以改善環境。現在的小一在小客廳,而大的廁所內。這似乎是一個很好的解決方案,但廁所門在夏季開空調時關閉的。所有我們三個又剩下小廁所一個。 唉,我的天呀

Friday, April 08, 2016

New tiolet 新廁所

I always think why humans has male and female tiolet but we don't. It is so embarssing when Angel is just waiting outside while I am pupu. Therefore, I start to piss inside my egg-shape bed. Mama Slave is so mad with me but have no choice to add another tiolet. It is a very lovely cat-shaped tiolet. I ideally think it is my private tiolet but it only valid for first two days. Now I have to better one everytimes. 我總是在想為什麼人類分開有男性和女性的廁所,但我們沒有。每當我忘形地便便時看到妹妹在外面等著它,真是如此的尷尬。因此,我開始我的蛋形床內小便。媽媽奴隸生氣得發瘋,但沒有選擇地只能添加另一個廁所。這是一個非常可愛的貓形廁所。我理想的認為這是我的私人廁所但只維持兩天。現在,我每次只好選比較清潔和私穩好的那個。

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

I love Pet Show我愛寵物展

Pet Show always held in February and June at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This year we got a lot snack, clothes and bed as usually but all these things are bought from Charity Community. We have got our favourate stuffs while helping the homeless animals. So fruitful and meaningful...the next Pet Show will be held on Jun 10 -12. Don't miss it. 寵物展總在二月和六月在香港會議展覽中心舉行。今年,我們如常得到了很多零食,衣服和寵物床,但所有這些東西都是從慈善團體買的。,我們得到了我們最喜歡的東西同時幫助無家可歸的動物。因此,十分滿足和有意義...下一次寵物展將於6月10日-12舉行。大家千萬不要錯過。

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Buttock with heater 暖爐旁的屁股

Nothing can imagine a freezing January after Hot Christmas…I feel so sorry for the stray animals while my buttock always stick to the heater. Hopefully the volunteer worker will help them to overcome it. I know most of the Charity Group will have counter in Pet Show this February 19 - 21 at HKCEC...it's time for all our us to give a helping hand. Angel want to join but the bed is too small for us..it is not a perfect timing for Gentleman. Nobody can move my buttock from the heater..haha 真的不能可以想像酷熱聖誕節後的一月會如此冰凍...當我的屁股時時貼實暖爐時,我很替流浪動物憂心忡忡。希望志願者工作人員會幫助他們克服寒流。我知道大多數的慈善團體將在2月19日至21日香港會議展覽中心寵物展籌募經費......我們大家是時候伸出援助之手。妹妹想加入取暖,但床太小了,紳士風度暫時忘記吧的時機。沒有人可以把我的屁股移離暖爐..哈哈

Friday, January 15, 2016


We hate shower although it is very comfortable afterwards... our fur will become so soft with sweet smell. The body weight even feeling lighter. But we still hate water pouring over and over with continuous brushing. Especially the hot air and disgusting noise from hair dryer. Angel and I will hide ourselves and Srcump will give a bad face to Mama. But...eventually, we all have to take shower. Wow wow wow... 我們討厭淋浴雖然之後很舒服......我們的皮毛會變得柔軟並香嘖嘖。體重甚至感覺更輕。但是,我們仍然討厭淋水和不停被媽媽刷遍全身。更討厭之後風筒的熱空氣和厭惡的噪音。天使公主和我會找地方隱藏自己,細佬會給媽媽一個鬼臉。但是......最終,我們都必須淋浴。哇哇哇......

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