Monday, October 07, 2013

Pet healing寵物治療

A research claimed that pet can comfort and release the pressure of pet owner especially effective for those who lived in city. I absolutely agree as I can see Papa and Mama Slave are so tired upon return home every night. So I will run to them immediately and roll on the floor to please them. I love to see their happy face. All our friends know their owner is working so hard for our living and are so eager to comfort them as much as possible. Therefore, if you are already exhausted...try to have a loyal companion. It's is magic. 一項研究聲稱,寵物可以安慰和釋放寵物主人的壓力,特別是對於那些住在城市的人。我完全同意,因為我看到爸爸媽媽每天晚上回家後的勞累表情。所以我立即在地板上滾來滾去取悅他們。我喜歡看到他們快樂的臉。我們所有的朋友都知道它們的主人是如此努力工作,為我們的生活舒適, 所以我們會盡心盡力安慰他們。因此,如果你生活已經精疲力盡,嘗試擁有一個像我們忠誠的伴侶。效果是神奇的。

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