Thursday, January 08, 2015

Food allergy 寵物食品過敏

A lot of pet food in the market nowadays but it is really importance to make a right choice. Wrong food can cause allergy not only in our digestive system but also our skin and mind. Scrump seems nervous recently and start to lick his tail making a serious hair loss. Mama Slave think I am the one who make him nervious but luckily she finally noted that is the new pack of cat cause him itching. He is so uncomfortable, become nervous and start licking his tail. It is really horrible. Therefore, all parents should pay more attention when changing new food...find the one fit us. 如今市場有很多寵物食品做出正確的選擇是真正的重要。錯誤的食物,不僅可以在我們的消化系統也是我們的肌膚和心靈引起過敏。 Scrump最近似乎很緊張開始舔他的尾巴引至嚴重的脫髮毛。媽媽奴隸開始認為是另他緊張,但幸運的是,她終於注意到是新的貓糧....令他癢。他很難受,變得緊張並開始舔他的尾巴。這實在是太可怕了。因此,所有的家長應該多注意更換新的食物時我們的反應...找一個適合我們。

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