Friday, April 08, 2011

Watermelon juice…yummy西瓜汁…真美味

Lovely…Spring is coming. The season of fresh fruit is also coming. I love fruit delicious and healthy. It can provide vitamins, glucose and other essentials but the most imporant is yummy. We have the first watermelon juice last night…so sweet and fresh. I have finished a whole cup and still look at Mama Slave to ask for more. Maybe a lot of Pet owner not knowing that cats and dogs love and need fresh fruit. But the best way to have is of course...fruit juice. I love Mama Slave.
超正 ...春天來了。季節性的新鮮水果也來了。我愛果汁..十分美味和健康。它可以提供維生素,葡萄糖和其他必需養料,但最重要當然是美味。我們昨晚品嚐了今年第一次西瓜汁…又甜又新鮮。我已經渴了整個杯但仍然看媽媽奴隸要求更多。也許很多寵物主人不知道貓狗愛和需要新鮮水果。但是,最好的食用辦法當然是...果汁。我愛媽媽奴隸。

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