Monday, December 07, 2015

Missing Christmas Tree 消失的聖誕樹

We used to have lovely Hello Kitty Christmas Tree at home but it is removed for years. The reason is a naughty cat stand tall and throw the shinny balls away to play. Angel and Scrump are so worry as they know punishment will be followed…no Christmas Tree anymore. Yes ! that naughty cat is me...I miss the tree so much. 我們曾經有可愛的Hello Kitty的聖誕樹在家裡,但已經消失多年。原因是一個淘氣的貓巍然屹立把榭上的亮麗球晶靈扔出來玩耍。妹妹與細佬如此擔心,因為他們知道一定有處罰,從此沒有聖誕樹了。 是 !那個頑皮的貓是我...我真的很懷念那消失的聖誕樹。

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