Monday, April 24, 2006

I am Lion King....everybody has to obey me....roar roar

Mama Slave and Papa love me so much they bought me a Momi Momi.

More "Sleeping Handsome" photos.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Mama slave have bought a lovely bowl to raise up the feeding bowl of Siu Ding as his backbone is not so good because of aging. Oh...what a lovely storage for my toy. I lose around 5 ping pong balls everyday while playing and mama slave is very annoying with finding it back for me. Now I can hold it in my mouth and throw it into that lovely storage after playing. It's fun when so many balls pour out at one time by pushing down the bowl. As papa and mama slave is so please with my talent, I am now throwing every tiny things into it and get it back at my wish. Seeing that mama slave has to clean up the bowl every feeding time of Siu Ding and find her missings funny....hahaha....
星期五, 2006年4月21日
因為他的中堅不是那麼好由於老化, Mama奴隸買一個可愛的碗培養哺養的碗Siu丁。 噢...我的玩具的可愛的存貯。 當演奏和mama奴隸是非常討厭的以發現它為我時,我丟失大約5個乒乓球每天。 現在我可以舉行它在我的嘴和投擲它入那可愛的存貯在演奏以後。 它是樂趣,當許多球通過推擠下來碗一次時傾吐。 因為papa和mama奴隸是如此喜歡以我的天分,我現在是投擲每微小的事入它,并且讓它回到在我的願望。 看見mama奴隸必須清掃碗Siu丁的每哺養的時刻和發現她的missings那裡。..很滑稽。...hahaha。...

Handsome photos in March and April.

People love the butterfly on my back.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The lovely blue office chair eventually become my new bed for sun-bathing. I enjoyed lying there every morning to enjoy sun-bath and gain Vitamin D via it. Mama slave has already noted and allowed me to owm the chair myself. So she never sit on it and will get a folded chair for herself when she has to work with the computer....Oh what a pretty mama. But the idiotic papa always sit on my chair to do his homework when the new semester started. How fool he is....his big and heavy pet pet will harden the cushions and make it uncomfortable. I can't stand it I lay beside him and pretend to accompany him with his homework. He is so pleased and he can never imagine what will happen soon.....I lay on my chair immediately when he stand up and get a drink. I roared to him loudly and bit him when he tried to sit back. Mama slave laughed with tears and got him the folded chair. Can you imagine the reactions and feelings of papa.......hahaha......I've owned my chair finally.
星期四, 2006年4月06日
可愛的藍色辦公室椅子最終成為我新的床為曬日光浴。 我喜歡每天早晨說謊那裡享受太陽浴和通過它獲取維生素D。 Mama奴隸已經注意了并且給我對owm椅子。 如此,當她必須與計算機一起使用時,她從未坐它和得到一把被摺疊的椅子為她自己。...噢俏麗的mama。 當新的學期開始了,但白癡papa總坐我的椅子做他的家庭作業。 怎麼傻瓜他是。...他的大和重的寵物寵物將硬化坐墊并且使它難受。 我不可能再站立它。....今天我在他旁邊放置并且假裝補充他以他的家庭作業。 他是,因此喜歡和他不可以想像發生了什麼很快。....當他站立并且得到飲料時,我在我的椅子立刻放置。 當他設法鬆勁,我大聲地咆哮了對他并且咬住了他。 Mama奴隸笑了與淚花并且得到了他被摺疊的椅子。 能您想像papa的反應和感覺。......hahaha。.....我最後擁有了我的椅子。

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