Baby bed after baby toy BB玩具後的BB床
Silly Mama Slave has exchanged a taller toy for us but still too small to sleep. Then she give us a tiny soft bed for Winter…I wonder she has got an eye problem with aging or the inflation rate is too high so that she want to save money by buying tiny stuffs. We are so big to play and sleep. We have to ask Papa to look into it seriously.
傻媽媽已經更換了一個較高的玩具,但對我們仍然太小,無法睡在上面。然後她給了我們一個小小的冬季柔軟床...我不知道她的有眼睛有老化問題,或通脹率過高,使她想節省錢才購買的細小東西。我們都這麼大隻, 怎可能玩耍和睡眠。我們要請求爸爸認真了解怎麼回事。