
Crazy…Crazy !!! How can I imagine the ugly aparment nearby cost 6 millions for a extremely small flat. That's why Papa always say that we should pay rent to him as we always (24 hours) stay in our Palace. But I have no income even though I am Lion King. Mama Slave suggest Tigger and I to apply for the position of Door Lion in HSBC. Oh no...I am a King ! I cannot sit outside the bank and touched by people throughout the day. Therefore, we have to minimize out our space to get rid of the rent issue. So poor us.
瘋狂 ...瘋了!我怎麼能想像附近的一橦非常醜陋的大廈其中非常小的單位賣600萬元。這就是為什麼爸爸總是說,我們應該向他支付租金,因為我們總是(24小時)留在我們的宮殿。但我沒有收入,即使我獅子王。媽媽建議跳跳虎和我申請匯豐銀行守門獅的職位。哦,不...我是獅子王!我不能一整天坐在銀行外任人愚弄。因此,我們要盡量減少我們住的空間,以擺脫租金的問題。真可憐。