Royal Family in Donut王室甜甜圈

Wow…Summer is approaching. I have a dream to have a suntan look and bring my beloved Angel/Tigger to the beach. I asked them to seek for any chance to have sunbath at home before. But Princess Angel told me that she is already dark enough and I have to explain to her that dark is not copper. Copper look makes her more sexy, charming and healthy. TIgger just told me that sunbath don't make him copper but yellow....Oh how come !!!
哇...夏天來臨了。我有一個夢想有一個性感的古銅色外觀和我親愛的天使/跳跳虎到海灘玩耍。我叫他們盡量先在家裡曬曬日光浴。但angel公主告訴我她已經是夠黑了,我必須向她解釋不是黑色不是古銅色。古銅色讓她更性感,迷人和健康。跳跳虎剛剛告訴我,他曬日光浴後面額多了黃色但沒有古銅色 ....噢怎麼會!