Acting Papa扮爸爸

Most of you have already noted that I love Princess Angel so much. But do you know that Tigger has a secret admirer…Mama Slave ! I am shocked with his crazy action…after Papa has gone out for work while Mama Slave is still sleeping happily (Mama Slave does not need to work on Saturday), Silly Tigger sleep on Papa's pillow and pretend to be Papa. I shouted at him and asked him out of the bed but he only stare at me. Suddenly, the door opened again because Papa returned to get something left. He was shocked with Tigger but still he can take this funny photo.
你們大多数已經注意到,我愛非常Angel公主。 但是您們不知道Tigger有一個秘密愛慕者…媽媽奴隸! 我驚訝他瘋狂的行動…,爸爸出門工作,當媽媽奴隸愉快地仍然睡覺(媽媽奴隸在星期六不用上班),傻的Tigger睡在爸爸的枕頭上和假裝是爸爸。 我呼喊他和要求他下床,但是他只凝視我。 突然,因為爸爸因取東西回來,門再打開了。 他十分驚訝tigger的行為,但是他仍然可以拍下這張滑稽的照片。