Lion King in Typhoon 颱風中的獅子王
Wow…Typhoon is coming. It is raining heavily outside and the sound of the wind is so terrible. Will the rain and wind break through the window and hurt me ?? I think I better find a shelter to hide myself.
哇…颱風來臨。外邊 沉重地下雨,風的聲音也是很可怕的。 大風大雨會否打破窗口進來傷害我呢? 我想我應該找一個安全的避難所。

Tigger has noted the strange of Lion King and so he ask " Why are you roll yourself in such a small tray. Do you think that samll tray can protect you from the rain and wind ? Don't be stupid…you should find a bigger one. "
Tigger注意到獅子王的怪行,因此他問" 為什麼您捲在這樣一個小盤子。 您是否認為這小盤子能保護您免受雨風傷害? 不要愚笨了…您應該找一個更大的。 "
Tigger is right. The tray is so small that will easily be destroyed by the typhoon. I have to find a bigger one to hide. I am so scared by the rain and wind but I cannot let Princess Angel know that. I am the King…how can I be so coward. Angel just sleep peacefully there.
Tigger是對的。 盤子是很小的將被颱風容易地毀壞。 我必須找一更大掩藏自己。 我是很害怕大雨大風,但是我不能讓Angel公主知道。 我是國王…怎麼可能那麼怯懦的。 Angel公主現在是如此安睡
Luckily, the typhoon has passed away finally and Angel does not note my shame..only Tigger scorn at me. I am so tired now as I dare not sleep for so long. I need a good sleep and please don't distrub me.
幸运地,颱風最後走了,Angel公主沒有注意我的羞辱。只有 Tigger輕蔑我。 我現在我很疲乏,因我不敢睡眠那麼長時間。 我需要好好睡眠請切打擾我