Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Open Sesame 芝麻開門

Mama slave always locked the door of Television cupboard to prevent me from throwing out the display, cable, remote control or headphone etc.
But I think she has forgotten that I am a very clever boy. Let's see how I open it and enjoy the snack inside
媽媽 奴隸總是鎖上電視櫃的門防止我亂投擲裝飾品、電線、遙控或耳機等等。但我認為她忘記了我是一個非常聰明的男孩。我們看我怎麼打開它和享用裡面的小吃


Anonymous Anonymous said...

這肉 lum lum 的小孩真醒!

November 22, 2006 4:10 pm  

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