Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sitting besides the sky坐在窗邊看天邊

I love to sit beside the window to see the cars and trams moving. The weather of October is so hot that I have to sit straight to release the hotness.
我愛坐在窗口旁邊看汽車和電車行動。十月天氣仍是很熱的, 我必須伸直雙腳散熱。

Ah...something is flying outside and I guess it is an aeroplane. The TV commercial say that " I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky"
呀... 什麼在外飛行,我猜測這是飛機。電視廣告說"我相信我的可能飛行, 我相信我能接觸天空"

Oh no….when I look up to ask for borading, it is only a large eagle…too small to carry me to fly over the sky.
噢…當我向上 請求登機, 看到它只是一隻大老鷹…太小了,不能運載我飛行在天空。

Dream don't come true, what I can do now is to see the cars and trams moving again…..so boring. Mama Slave I miss you.
夢想不能真實, 我現在只能繼續看汽車和電車移動..…十分乏味。媽媽 奴隸我很想念您呀。


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