Monday, October 23, 2006

Veterinary 狩醫儉查天

Oh ! It is my annual body check-up day. Papa and mama slave are so worry to be blamed by uncle vet.
I don't know what they are worrying about….I am so smart and lovely.
The nurses there are all attracted by me and screaming are such a usual feedback.
After entering the consulting room, mama slave is blamed that my body weight should be deducted with the weight of the carrying case.
Mama slave is so frightened to tell the vet that it is already deducted and I just see a O in the vet face….haha.
I come out the case confidently and just sit down to charm uncle vet. He scream as usual and hold my face with his big hand.
He told mama slave seriously that I should be on diet to keep being healthy and handsome….silly mama slave can only bow and say yes yes yes.
I lie down on the table after vaccination to seek for praise….uncle vet give me some snack and kiss me finally.
Oh ! Yeah…..mama slave has said before that uncle vet will only kiss behaved and lovely pets…..I am the only one of our family can. He even told mama slave that I am always welcome to live with him to keep smart and healthy.
Just leaving from consulting room, the boss of clinic see me and scream as usual (so tired of that sound). She run upstairs and collect some delicious sample food for me. She even told the nurses to give mama slave delicious sample food whenever she come.
Papa smile happily all the time and I am sure that he is so proud of me.

噢! 這天是我的每年身體儉查天。爸爸 和媽媽 奴隸十分憂慮被狩醫叔叔責備。我不知道他們擔心他們什麼.... 我那麼聰明和可愛。護士姐姐全部被我吸引並且如常地尖叫。
在進入診療室以後, 媽媽 奴隸被責備應該被先扣除攜包的重量才計算我的體重。媽媽奴隸驚慌的告訴狩醫, 已經扣除了,我只看見 在狩醫面上的O字.…哈哈 。
我自信地從攜包出來,坐在棹上迷住狩醫叔叔。他如常尖叫和用他的大手握我的面孔。他嚴重告訴了媽媽 奴隸, 我應該減肥保持健康和英俊.…愚蠢的媽媽 奴隸只能鞠躬和只說是是是。
我躺下在桌上等待稱讚....狩醫叔叔給我一些小吃和親吻我。噢! ..…媽媽 奴隸以前說:狩醫叔叔只會親吻表現好和可愛的寵物.....I 我是家庭唯一一個能。
他甚而告訴了媽媽 奴隸, 我可與他居住保持聰明和健康。離開從診療室, 診所的上司看見我和平常一樣尖叫(如此疲倦於那聲音) 。
她跑在樓上為我收集一些可口樣品食物。她甚而告訴護士每次都給媽媽 奴隸可口樣品食物。爸爸 一直愉快地微笑,我是肯定的, 他是為我很驕傲的。


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