Monday, August 21, 2006

Good brotherhood 好兄弟

Old old Siu Ding has medical check-up with vet last Saturday. The vet said that I should not be so generous to let Siu Ding eat my food during daytime as Siu Ding is too old to digest my food. That's why he is always vomiting recently. That disgusting vet has told Mama Slave to feed us only with Siu Ding's prescription diet
during daytime as I can bear any kind of food. Wow....that prescription diet is not delicious. But as you all know that I am such a good boy and I love my elder brother so much, I will to sacrifice my delicious food for his health. Do you all feel so lucky to meet me ?

老老小丁上星期六到狩醫體檢。狩醫說, 我不應該是很慷慨的讓小丁在白天期間吃我的食物,因為小丁實在太老,以至於不能消化我的食物。所以他最近常常嘔吐。令人作嘔的狩醫告訴媽媽奴隸餵養我們只可以小丁的處方飲食為白天期間的維一种食物。哇....那處方飲食不是可口的。而是你們所有都知道, 我是這樣一個好男孩並且我非常愛我的哥哥, 我願意為他的健康而犧牲我的可口食物。你們認為能遇見我感覺很幸運嗎?


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