Wednesday, July 12, 2006

stool 貓有三急

Papa and mama slave have gone out for dinner and it's my show time again. What should I destroy this time ? Mama slave always close the kitchen door before left but will keep toilet door open because silly Siu Ding doesn't know how to use cat litter.....his toilet is the godness.
As usual, I will throw the toothbrushes in front of the door to welcome their back but I really think it is no fun to do the same prank every time. Therefore, I explore inside the toilet to look for new fun but….I accidently shut the toilet door. I was locked inside the toilet....such a hot and humid place. Let me back to my air-conditioned sitting have waited for long long time and that disgusting couple still not back. I started to feel uncomfortable because I want to stool. Oh ! I can't stand anymore and so I jump into the bathtub to stool at the same place Siu Ding used to.
Can anybody tell me how long I have to stay with that unpleasant odor. I want to quit right away….wow…wow…..Suddenly, I heard the door opened and the lovely papa and mama slave is looking for me in the sitting room. I shouted loudly and they opened the door immediately to release me. Papa hold me tight to comfort me and mama slave praise me for stooling inside the bathtub. Of course, I am such a clever and behaved boy.

爸爸 和媽媽 奴隸出去晚餐了,又再是我的表演時間。我應該毀壞什麼呢? 媽媽 奴隸總在離開前關閉廚房門,但將保持廁所門開放,因為傻的小 丁不會使用貓沙廁所.....他的廁所竟是浴缸....我的天呀 。 我覺得每次投擲牙刷在門前面歡迎他們回家,每次做同樣胡鬧真是沒有樂趣。所以, 我嘗試在廁所 裡面尋找新樂趣但噢..天呀....我意外地關閉了廁所門。我被鎖了在廁所裡面....那麼 一個熱和潮濕地方。請快讓我回到我有冷氣的客廳....哇... 哇....我 等了很久,那對令人作嘔的夫婦仍然未回家。我開始感到難受因為我想要大便 。噢! 我無法再忍受,因此我跳入浴缸在小丁平時大便的位置解決.誰可告訴我還要和那令人不快的氣味呆在一起多久呢? 我想要立即離開....哇... 哇.....突然, 我聽見大門被打開,可愛的爸爸 和媽媽 奴隸在客廳尋找我。我大聲地呼喊,他們立刻打開門釋放我。爸爸 抱緊我安並且慰我,媽媽 奴隸稱讚我大便 在浴缸裡面真乖。當然, 我是這樣一個聰明和有紀律的男孩。


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