Monday, May 15, 2006

It's great day of me and Siu is our Birthday......but actually my real birthday is around early May but mama slave said that as we love each other so better assumed as we born in the same day.....Okay, accepted. It's my 1st birthday and 17th of Siu Ding. We have received a lot of red pockets from papa, mama slave and great....we can buy a lot of things and travel around. Let's wish all the fans here a healthy and wonderful life here and after.
星期一, 2006年5月15日

它是了不起的天我和Siu丁。.....今天是我們的生日。.....但實際上我真正的生日是在上旬5月附近,但mama奴隸說,我們彼此相愛非常多。..它更好假設作為同日出生的我們。....好被接受。 它是我第1生日和第17 Siu丁。 我們從papa、mama奴隸和嬸嬸接受了很多紅色口袋。...很偉大。...我們可以買很多事和旅行。 我們這裡祝願所有風扇健康和美妙的生活這裡和以後。


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Siu Ding and Siu Mou! Wish you two many happy "fish" returns.

Siu Mou, Another year older, Grow-up Boy, be good to your Mama!

Tall Auntie

May 15, 2006 12:17 pm  

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