Thursday, June 01, 2006

Rice dumpling

Another long long raining day birds and eagles outside the window nor cockroach inside my lovely home. Boring...boring...boring...SOS.SOS...any new toy for me ? Oh ! Mama Slave is making somthing funny in the kitchen and she looks so happy with it. I've never seen such a funny thing....trianglar shape with long long grass tied. I pretended to sleep lovely on the table waiting for it coming out...hehehe. Silly Mama Slave put it on the table and back to kitchen again.'s so hot...such a disgusting feeling. It bit its string and throw it out of the table. Haha...the string is loose and pull it along the floor so as to elimate all the string. I peeled the long long grass and feel it's so sticky inside. While I was so disappointed with that silly rubbish, I heard the screaming of Mama Slave. She was so angry and asked papa to punish me ( her screaming and angry face is always lovely). Papa just hold me up and tell her that it's my first Tuen Ng I have to right to try a rice dumpling...Yes ! absolutely agreed.

另一長的長的下雨的天再。...沒有鳥和老鷹在窗口之外亦不蟑螂在我可愛的家裡面。 不耐煩。..不耐煩。..不耐煩。..SOS.SOS...任何新的玩具為我? 噢! Mama奴隸使事滑稽在廚房裡,并且她看很愉快與它。 我從未看這樣滑稽的事物。...trianglar形狀與長的長的草栓了。 我假裝睡覺可愛在等待它的桌出來。..hehehe。 傻的Mama奴隸再投入了它在桌和回到廚房。 哇。.哇。.哇。..天氣很熱的。..這樣一種令人作嘔的感覺。 它咬住了它的串并且投擲它在桌外面。 Haha。..串是寬鬆的并且拉扯它沿地板以便elimate所有串。 我剝了長的長的草并且感到它是那麼稠粘的裡面。 當我對那傻的垃圾時如此失望,我聽見了尖叫Mama奴隸。 她是,因此懲罰我的惱怒和被要求的papa (她的screaming和惱怒的面孔總是可愛的)。 Papa正義拿著我并且告訴她它是我的第一個Tuen Ng節日。..如此我必須糾正嘗試米餃子。..是! 绝對同意。


Blogger Little Puppy said...

Let me think what to give to this naughty creature ... he doesn't afraid of cockroach nor hot dumpling ...

June 01, 2006 4:43 pm  

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