Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Souvenir War 手信爭奪戰 (part I 上集)

Do you all remember the ugly auntie….that disgusting woman, she always come to steal my favour. I don't like her.
Mama Slave has just back from trip and brought us a lot of foreign cat food as souvenir. I can smell from the package of it's good taste.
I am so eager to try and wondering when will Mama Slave open it for us.
Siu Ding and I was having a sun bathing after Papa and Mama Slave out for work as usual. I was staring at ugly auntie to see what bad things she did this time….Oh ! My God. She was put my delicious souvenir into her bag. I rushed to her and pressed the leftover to prevent her from robbering them. I roared loudly and angrily at her.
She just ignore me and put me aside….no.no.no…I have to attack her to protect my souvenir. But how can a little baby like me can defect such a big ugly woman.
Wow…wow…I can just let her to take all my souvenir and left my home. So poor me.
I jumped to Mama Slave immediately upon her return and lead her to the place where the souvenir were. She hold me tight and give me some new delicious food to comfort me.
I am much better now but I swear that I will take revenge on ugly auntie very soon…….let's see
您們應該記得那個醜惡的嬸嬸... 令人作嘔的女人, 她總來竊取我的喜愛。我實在不喜歡她。
媽媽 奴隸剛從旅行回來帶給我們很多外國貓食作為手信。我能從包裹嗅到它是很好味的。
我是很熱切嘗試吃吃,很想知道媽媽 奴隸何時將開啟它。
小 丁和我和平常一樣在爸爸 和媽媽 奴隸出外工作後曬太陽。我凝望醜惡的嬸嬸這時候準備做什麼壞事.…噢! 我的天呀。她把我們的可口的手信投入了入她的袋子內。我衝到她那兒用力地按實剩下的手信防止她再搶。我大聲地和惱怒地向她咆哮表示我的憤怒。
她不理會我並把我推到旁邊.…不 不 不... 我必須攻擊她保護我的手信。但我一個可愛小孩怎麼能打敗這樣一名大醜惡的女人。
哇... 哇... 但我只能讓她拿走我們所有的手信。我很可憐。
媽媽奴隸回家時 我立即跳到她身上並帶領她到放手信的地方告訴她醜惡嬸嬸的惡行。她抱緊我和給我一些新口味可口食物安慰我。


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