Souvenir War (ending - revenge)手信爭奪戰 (終極篇-大報復)

(She always worry that some harmful insects or worms will come out of it. She love me so much)
Today, ugly aunite comes to disturb our leisure as usual and I have made up a trap for her….hehe. I pretend to be a very lovely boy and treat her nicely.
After she has left and time nearly mama slave's back, I open the water tap to fill the water tank and play with the water making everywhere wet including myself.
I shut the water down when the tank is half-filled and pretend to be ignorance.
It is so excited to hear mama slave's scream….she tidy up the mess and make me dry immediately.
Then she called ugly auntie and shouted at her very very angrily for around 30 minutes. All the explanation and apology from ugly auntie was rejected.
Can you imagine how sad ugly auntie is….hahaha….she come early next morning to apoloize and promise that she will be much more careful in future.
I am so happy with my intelligence…agreed ?
那個醜惡的嬸嬸竊取了我可愛的手信。我將讓她付出代價。每天媽媽奴隸將牢固地關閉廁所洗手盤的去水位 以便我能在白天趟在那裡安全地睡覺( 那兒的溫度比外面涼快得多)
今天, 醜惡的嬸嬸如常 來到干擾 我們的休閒,我已經為她設了一個陷井.…嘻嘻 。我假裝是一個非常可愛的男孩和恰好對待她。
在她離開後媽媽奴隸幾乎回家的時間, 我打開水龍頭把水填裝洗手盤玩水,把四面八方包括我自己弄濕。
聽見媽媽 奴隸回家時的尖叫實在好興奮.…她立刻整理混亂和幫我揉乾身體。
然後她打電話給醜惡嬸嬸和非常非常惱怒地大駡她大約30 分鐘。醜惡嬸嬸的所有解釋和道歉都不被接受 。
能您想像醜惡嬸嬸是多麼哀傷的.…哈哈.…她明天早晨親自來道歉 和許諾她今後會加倍小心。
Poor ugly auntie!!!
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