Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentines Day情人節快樂

Hi my lovely fans,
Today is Valentines Day and I am so glad to announce I have found my true love….Princess Angel. You can see from the video that we love each other so much. Love is the most important elements of life…filling your life with joy, warm and happiness. Wish all of you have your Mr / Mrs Right. Happy Valentines Day.
(I am so sorry to jump to this video as it is so perfect for Valentines Day. I promise I will tell you how I gain her love…a very funny and romantic story)
今天是情人節,我很高興地宣佈我找到了我的真愛....Angel公主。您們能從錄影看到我們非常彼此相愛。愛是生活的最重要的元素…讓您的生活充滿喜悅, 溫暖和幸福。祝願你們大家都有各自的真命天子 。祝大家有個愉快的情人節。
(我是很抱歉這麼快跳到這錄影但它實在很配合情人節。我許諾我將告訴您們我怎樣獲取她的愛... 一個非常滑稽和浪漫故事)


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