Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Remedy of Christmas Flower聖誕花的慘劇

Mama Slave is so nice decorate our home for Christmas. She bought us a very beautiful Christmas flower and decoration. But the flower is so attactive to honey bee and they always fly around it. Although I have honey bee is not a harmful insert but I am such a powerful inborn hunter...I have hurt it badly that he cannot fly anymore. Mama Slave screamed so loudly and papa is very shocked with it. He carefully let it sleep with any pain and I was so sorry for that. Unfortunely, another one fly again next day and I cannot control myself to hunt it. I cry to call Mama Slave to rescue it and it is not slightly hurt this time. Papa carefully help it to fly away. Mama Slave Throw away the Chrismas flower immediately to avoid remedy happen again.
媽媽奴隸是很好地為我們的家裝飾聖誕節。她給我們買非常美麗的聖誕花和裝飾。但聖誕花十分吸引蜜蜂和他們總飛行在它附近。雖然我知蜂蜜蜂不是有害的昆蟲但是我是這樣一位強有力的天生獵人... 我傷害了它令他無法再飛行。媽媽奴隸那麼大聲地尖叫和爸爸非常振驚。他仔細地讓它無痛苦地安息並且我是很抱歉的。不幸地, 另一蜜蜂次日再飛來和我又無法控制自己傷害了它。我哭叫媽媽奴隸搶救它幸好這回它只輕微地受傷。爸爸仔細幫助它飛走。媽媽奴隸立即掉了聖誕花避免補救再發生。
Important Notice : Lion King will show you her beautiful Queen
重要通知: 獅子王會公開他美麗的王后


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