Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Storm of piss 尿尿風暴

Wow…such a disgusting weather. It is so hot and wet anywhere. I am so uncomfortable to lie on all of my lovely soft bed including momi momi. The water sink in toilet is already too small for me and I have no choice but the bathtub…..so poor me. It's so cool and so large to enable to straighten my while body.
While I am sleeping happily, awful Siu Ding jump in and piss (you all should remember that bathtub is also tiolet of Siu Ding).His urine flow through my back to let me have a dream of swimming in Maldives.
Oh, no..no..no….what a nighmare. I wake up suddenly and can feel the awful smell through my body. I jump right away to mama slave for cleaning and she scream even loudly than mine as it is only 6:30 am in the morning. Both papa and mama slave are so frightened with the mess....mama slave clean me up immediately and papa has to investigate whether the bed and the blanket are dirty.
They are discussing to buy me a bigger cooling bed to avoid such a mess again in Summer…..how lovely they are.
它是很涼快和很大的使能讓我自由的伸展。當我愉快地睡覺, 可怕的小 丁跳進和小便(您全部應該記得浴缸是小丁的厠所).他的尿 流經我回到讓我的背部令我夢想在馬爾地夫游泳.
噢, 不..不…不, 真是惡夢。我突然驚醒和能感覺可怕的氣味通過我的身體。我立即跳去媽媽 奴隸找她替我清潔但她比更大聲地尖叫因這時只是早晨6:30
爸爸 和媽媽奴隸是因此被嚇唬.…媽媽奴隸立刻清洗我而爸爸 則調查是否床和毯子是骯髒的。他們談論給我買一張更大的冷卻床避免這樣混亂在夏天又發生..... 他們真是可愛。


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