Thursday, March 29, 2007

Interview with Lion King與獅子王的約會

Today little my god brother and sister will come to my palace to meet me….so excited. Mama Slave has to go to their home these day because their mother is out of town. But they are so disgusting to cry loudly to keep mama slave to stay with them…how about us, Siu Ding and I are so hungry to wait for her return. I have to warn them to stop crying.
Oh, we are here now, I sit on my royal chair and teach them how to be a good cat. They just kneel down and listen very carefully.
I am so satisfactory with their scared face…hahaha…..
Mama Slave return home earlier tonight and still wonder why no crying from them. She will never know how importance of my words to all these little babies.
今天我的契弟妹將來到我的宮殿見我....十分高興。媽媽 奴隸這些天必須去他們的家因為他們的母親出國去。但他們是很令人作嘔大聲地哭泣保留媽媽 奴隸和他們多留一會... 我們怎麼樣, 小 丁和我是很飢餓等她的回歸。我必須警告他們停止哭泣。噢, 他們現在就在這裡, 我坐在我的龍椅上教他們怎麼是一隻好貓。他們跪下來和非常仔細地聽。他們的被驚嚇的面孔令我很滿意... 哈哈... 。。媽媽 奴隸今晚早點回歸和仍然想知道為什麼他們沒有哭泣。她永不知道我的言語對所有這些小貓的重要性。


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