Cat in Angel and Angel on AngelAngel公主中的貓和Angel公主上的Angel公主

I always hear that Pretty Lady have many ways to drive you crazy. I am so lucky to have Princess Angel…she is so lovely. I herewith show two examples for explanation.
Example 1 : Most of you have visited Mainland China have been asked by the tour guide to imagine the shape of rocks, mountains and trees. They will always say their shape looks like Animals, Humans or even Buddha etc. Now, I ask you to imagine a cat is clearly hiding in my Princess Angel. It is quite obvious and I am sure most of you will note it. How amazing my Princess Angel is...
Example 2 : Mama Slave and Papa have visited a famous furniture chain store and found a very cute pet soft bed there. It looks exactly the same of Princess Angel. The silly couple screamed there as they steal our Princess' face without paying any trademark fee. But still, the silly couple bought it at charming my Princess Angel is.
我總是聽見俏麗的淑女有許多方式令您瘋狂。 我是很幸運有Angel公主…她是很可愛的。 我立即顯示兩個例子証明。
例子1 : 您們大多数參觀了中国大陸由導游要求想像岩石、山和樹的形狀。 他們永遠說他們的形狀看起来像動物、人甚至佛等。 现在,我要求您想像一隻貓明顯地掩藏在我的公主Angel身上。 它是相當明顯的,我是肯定的您能看到它。 我的公主Angel真是令人驚嘆…
例子2 : 爸爸和媽媽奴隸在家著名家具連鎖店發現了一張非常逗人喜愛的寵物軟床。 它和Angel公主一模一樣。 傻的夫婦尖叫起來,他們竊取我們Princess的面孔没有付任何商標費。 但是仍然,傻的夫婦立即買了它…我的公主Angel真是太迷人了。
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