Late Breakfast遲來的早餐

Lion King"Tigger, do you know how can wake that two lazy guys up. I am very hungry already. What's the time now…10:00 am. Should I call police to arrest them for cruelty to children ?"
獅子王" Tigger,您知道怎麼能弄醒這二個懶惰人。 我已經非常餓。 現在已經是上午十點。 我應該報警拘捕他們慘暴的對待孩子"

Tigger "Don't be silly. Do you watch TV too much ? If that two lazy guys are arrested. We will be terporarily sent to awful shelter with disgusting maid. We will certainly cannot have salmon sashimi and cat treats."
Tigger " 不要傻了。 您是否太多看電視? 如果那二個懶惰人被拘捕。 我們將暫時安排到有令人厭惡的傭人的可怕的庇護所。 我們將一定不可能有三文魚生魚刺身片和貓小食."

Lion King"Yes ! You are right. I want to have a good morning sleep also. But I am too hungry to sleep"
獅子王" 是! 您正确。 我也想要有早晨好睡眠。 但是我餓到睡不著"

Lion King" Ah…do you see their wedding photo. I can try to throw it down so that lazy couple must make up immediately."
獅子王" 啊…您看見他們的婚禮照片。 我可以設法投擲它下來,這對懶惰夫婦必定立即起床."

Tigger" You are so clever…they get up now and let's go to have late breakfast"
Tigger" 您是很聰明…他們現在起床了,一起去吃遲來的早餐"
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